Everyday tons of perishable vegetables and fruits are being wasted. Hundreds and millions of dollars are being eroded from our economy due to such agricultural product’s waste. Such wastage can be attributed to the human negligence, weather conditions, improper distribution planning of the delivery of the products, etc. This in turn is affecting the income of the farmers whose sole income depends on the selling of such produce in the market. This in turn sometimes affects the demand and supply chain mechanism of the agricultural sector around the globe. If such wastage can be controlled can we imagine the effect that it will have upon our economy. The farmers, retailers and customers including the industry as a whole will all have a smiling and bright face .
                           Yes, my friends, this objective of reducing this wastage is possible and is achievable. One of our brothers in Uganda, Lawrence Okettayot  had developed a product called Sparky Dryer that can help in the storage of these perishable products upto 2 years. If such innovation is successful in the global market then it can feed upto 300 million people in a year. 

Powered by organic waste, Sparky Dryer can dehydrate fruits and vegetables extending its usage upto 2 years. When this dehydrated product reaches the market it is no longer a perishable wasted product rather it is a product which fetches a premium market price.  Sparky Dryer looks like a simple structure. At its bottom end there is a furnace for heating purpose, above it is drying area for the vegetables and the fruits. It is a structure which doesnot occupy much space and can be easily used without any such difficulty. The usage of this Sparky Dryer not only helped in saving the agricultural produce but also has helped in increasing the farmer’s income. 
One of Sparky Dryer’s customer is Lawrence’s uncle whose income has increased 400%  due to the usage of this innovative product. If such product is globally successful then it will be one of the contributing factor in decreasing the number of hunger people globally and will help in the increase of the agricultural income globally. The good news is that the product is gaining popularity, leading to its increase in the demand.
                           So my friends think of Sparky Dryer before you throw the wasted perishable product in the dustbin and don’t forget to remember the faces of the hungry brothers and sisters who like us also yearns for a square of meal. So let us change this and contribute our bit in removing hunger from our society.


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